Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nurture: An Introduction

I'm becoming an eco-enthusiast. And for those of you who are tired of hearing about how humans are ruining the planet, and how horrible of a species we are, blah blah blah, hear me out.

What is waste?

When I try to wrap my head around "waste," I just go brain dead. (I'm speaking of materialistic waste, not bodily waste here. Oh my gosh, did she just talk about poop?) It doesn't make sense to me. Nature recycles itself. Plants grow, animals eat them, animals eat those animals, things die, more things eat those dead things, and more plants grow. It's a never-ending cycle. It is a balance.

So why do land fills even exist?

I'm not saying that humans can live without producing some kind of waste--that's not likely in our society. But I feel like something went horribly wrong sometime. Somehow we decided that certain things are no longer useful, and instead of taking responsibility for that stuff, we just threw it in a big pile and tried not to think about it.

I picture this behaviour as something children would do. Imagine 5 year-olds, not a care in a world, playing house and disposing a giant pile of broken toys, once-used paper towels. The pile just keeps getting bigger the longer they play, but they can't take out the trash because a) they're 5 year-olds, and b) there are no trash cans in little mini playhouses. (If I really must be obvious here, the playhouse is an analogy for the earth.)

And while I don't know much about the statistics of waste, or the technicalities of where it goes and what happens to it, I know that I want the nurture the earth as much as I can. Because it nurtures all of us.

I think the beginning of some kind of positive change is simply being aware of your actions. What are you throwing away? Why are you throwing it away? How many bags of trash do you create in a week?

I have way too much to say about this, but now I must sleep. Sleeeeeeep. Isn't it a wonderful thing? :)

TL;DR: Assignment for your life: pay attention to what you're putting in the trash can.

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