Sunday, March 9, 2014

Apps for Lists


It's ever so slightly obsessive, but I absolutely adore lists. I wrote a post about making lists at night, but I thought I would share how my list-making has evolved. Maybe I can even convert some of you into to-doers and cross-off-ers. :)

The Apps I Use
Food on the Table
This one is for my groceries. It's nifty because it categorizes items by where they will be in the store. Without it, I walk in circles. Literally. It also is wired to some popular recipe sites, so if you find something you like, it can put the ingredients straight into your shopping list.

These ingredients will make eggplant parmesan lasagna. DELISH.

This one is for my long-term school assignments. I like it because I can prioritize my schoolwork, AND create steps for each task. It syncs with the app on my computer, too. I don't really write down daily assignments on here, unless they require multiple steps.

Reminders (built in iPhone)
This is the built-in iPhone app that connects to Siri. I use this one when I know I will forget something in the short-term. Printing papers, emailing someone, changing passwords--I am prone to getting immersed in something totally different and forgetting about it.

P.S. My phone is in Polish so I can practice and things. :)

For all other categories :). I love Wunderlist because I can make tons of lists and organize them exactly the way I want them too. I use this one for everything from gift ideas for birthdays to what to pack for a trip. It also syncs with the app on my computer. And you can change the background. Hehe.

The Non-Apps I Use
Post-It Notes
So maybe I am getting excessive by using both digital AND paper lists, but I just like them, OK? I use these to plan out what I want to achieve during the day. They are mostly activities or hobbies. Or they remind me to do something that is on another list. :) Like packing.

Weekly Planner
I use my planner to write down my daily schedule, my work hours, and any meetings I have. Daily assignments for school also go here.

Notebooks are for specific goal setting. The best example of this is a workout regimen. I'll write the date and the exercises to do, then move up to more difficult exercises or more repetitions after a few weeks.

Yup. That's all. Usually. :)

And if you're like me, don't freak out when you don't cross off everything on your daily to-do list. If you don't get around to it, it's probably not a big deal. Set realistic goals. And include things that help you be appreciative!

-smell the Spring air

TL;DR: If you couldn't tell, lists are awesome.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Internet is a Vampire

Alternate title: What I Learned From Being Mildly Addicted to the Internet

Vampires                                                  Internet
drain your blood (aka life-force)                   yup
most powerful at night                                yup
turn into bats                                             maybe not so much
sparkly                                                      just kidding :)

I love the Internet. There is so much knowledge to be shared and to discuss. But there's one issue with it.

Reading about things on the Internet does not substitute experiencing said things.

I can read about all the face masks and exercises and sewing techniques and recipes I want. (Yes, I'm very cool.) This is awesome. But after 4 hours, I will still have participated in nothing. No interaction between myself and the physical world, other than a keyboard and a screen.

So I challenge you, Internet friends. Learn what you can from the Internet. And then go do it. As long as it's legal and ethical and things like that.
