On this lovely second day of a work week that
I like my face. So I'm comfortable contorting it in weird ways and sharing it with you. You're welcome.
Can I share with you two stories that stick out incredibly in my brain? OK, good.
Story 1
"You're so lucky you don't have to wear make-up!" Dialogue to me when I was in middle-school, by a high-school girl.
Story 2
"Geraldine (name changed to protect identity), don't wear make-up for as long as you can." Dialogue to a pre-pubescent girl by high-school girls. I was in high-school when I heard this.
Let's discuss this, shall we?
Both of these incidents demonstrate that girls are implying make-up is necessary. Newsflash: it's not. Saying something like this to a young girl is basically telling her to enjoy the time she has with her perfect skin because it won't last long, and soon she'll have to cover it up. Especially if she wants boys to like her. (Am I wrong?)
I have a confession to make. I used to think I was above the girls who wore make-up everyday to school. The girls who spent an hour getting ready in the morning, or sprinting to the bathroom upon arrival at their destination, before anyone could see their make-up-less face. Then I realized that I cannot judge people if I want to be an open and loving person. You can wear make-up everyday and I will not judge you or ridicule you. I will tell you your eyeliner is on your cheek, though. :)
Why do we wear make-up? Well, I'm not going into details in one blog post. But girls think that they need make-up. What is wrong with your make-up-less face? Absolutely nothing.
I know, I know, make-up is fun. I totally agree! I like experimenting too, but to me it is an art form. (Come on, have you seen Face-Off?) Personally, applying make-up everyday makes me feel like I am lying to the world about who I am. My skin is not perfect. So what? If anything, my make-up-less face is weeding out the people that will potentially talk to me simply because I don't flaunt "maybe it's Maybelline" eyelashes everyday. Or it's not. That's cool too. I know your other argument, too, because I hear it almost every time I ask someone why they wear make-up. It's about enhancing your good features and hiding your bad ones! It's only a bad feature if you decide it's a bad feature, darling.
This is my personal experience. To you, make-up may be something different. That's OK. All I am proposing is a change in the attitude of needing to simply wanting. Here's a thought-provoker for you: have you ever seen a female newscaster without make-up? What about a male newscaster (excluding cover-up)? Why?
That is all.
For now.
TL;DR: I love your face, jusstttt the wayyy it issssssss *cue music*
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