Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sharing is Daring

I am not here to change your mind. I am not here to pretend I'm smarter than you, or tell you how to be happy.

I am here to share my thoughts, experiences, and questions in hopes of making someone smile, or perhaps even changing someone's life for the better.

I will be offering my experiences in my search for happiness, health, and answers to life in general. I will be sharing alternative options to everyday obstacles, actions, and things most people have accepted as normal. Hopefully I don't gross you out, or sound like a maniac, but I suppose I have gone a bit loopy, so take all of this under your own consideration and risk. :)

I hope you have a wonderful day. And life. It sounds weird, but I really want to tell people "Have a good life!" I'm afraid it would scare them instead. But this is the World Wide Web, so if I scare you, you can just ignore me for the rest of your Internet days, and no one but your browsing history would ever notice. Awesome! Love the Internet!

Welcome To a Good Morning.
I am your host, emilythetall. Stay tuned for advice, bad jokes, and personal experiences.

P.S. I don't believe in TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read), unless you plan on coming back to read the whole thing. I believe that if you care about something, and want to stick to it, you should be thorough in your research/reading/etc. However, I will be offering TL;DR summaries for those of you who just cannot survive without reading my blog (psh, every one of you, right?), but I just happened to post something as you walked into work, as your dog threw up, or as you had a very sudden urge to clean and must make use of the feeling before it goes away.

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